Brad Pitt remains estranged from another of his daughters, Zahara.

In the last few hours, an old Instagram message from Pax Jolie-Pitt, son of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt , was made public, which shook the hornet’s nest and once again put the magnifying glass on the tense relationship that the Oscar winner has with his family. . “You have proven to be a terrible and despicable person,” the young man wrote against his father in the private account that he uses with his friends and people in his most intimate environment.

According to what was published by The Daily Mail, Pax, whom Jolie adopted in Vietnam in 2007 when he was 3 years old, made catharsis against the Oscar winner, precisely using a photo of Pitt with the golden statuette . “Happy Father’s Day to this world class jerk! You, time and time again, have shown that you are a terrible and despicable person,” was one of the phrases shared on her networks that went around the world.

Angelia Jolie maintains an excellent relationship with her children, but not Pitt, who after an episode of violence that occurred on a plane, was unable to see them for years – Credits: @TOLGA AKMEN

In the text, Pax also highlighted that Pitt made the lives of his loved ones “a living hell” and how his siblings (Maddox, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne) “tremble with fear in his presence.” Furthermore, he strongly closed his defense: “You can tell yourself and the world what you want, but the truth will come out one day. So…Happy Father’s Day, you fucking horrible human being!”

In this tumultuous context, a curious gesture by Zahara-Jolie Pitt did not go unnoticed . As reported by Page Six, the young woman joined a sorority called Alpha Kappa Alpha, the first African-American organization in the history of sororities. The event took place at Spelman University in Atlanta, where Zahara has been attending for a year. In a video spread on social networks, you can see how the young woman introduces herself to those attending the event and does so by removing the surname Pitt from her name.

“My name is Zahara Marley Jolie,” she said at the beginning of her short speech and continued: “I come from the Golden State (referring to California), from the city that is full of angels, Los Angeles, California. “I am the seventh (student) in this row.” Then, she proceeded to make some body movements according to what the course had planned.

In July of last year, Jolie had shared videos and photos of Zahara settling into college and meeting her new classmates. “Zahara with her sisters from Spelman! Congratulations to all the new students starting this year. “This is a very special place and it is an honor to have a family member be a new Spelman girl ,” the proud mother wrote on social media.

Zahara had chosen to continue her studies at Spelman since it is a school for black women that focuses on academic excellence within the liberal arts and sciences, with an emphasis on the intellectual, creative, ethical and leadership development of their students. Using various learning modalities, in addition to obtaining a degree in one of the more than 30 bachelor’s degrees it offers, Spelman trains students to become involved in the multiple cultures of the world and acquire a commitment to positive social change.

Founded in 1881, it has 2,100 students from ten different countries, including girls from 43 of the 50 states of the United States . Likewise, the institution is considered number one among the HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) in the northern country and one of the 20 best dedicated only to women.

Angelina Jolie and Zahara are always very close

Zahara was born in Ethiopia, Africa, on January 9, 2005. The protagonist of Maleficent legally adopted her when she was a six-month-old baby , after meeting her at an orphanage in Addis Ababa, the country’s capital. At that time, the little girl was named Yemsrach , which later, during the adoption procedures with Pitt, they decided to change to Zahara .

“My daughter is from Ethiopia and I have learned a lot from her,” Angelina said a few years ago when talking about Zahara. “She is my family , but she is an extraordinary African woman and her connection to her country, her continent, is very hers, and she is something that I just marvel at,” added the Oscar winner . . The little girl had arrived in Jolie’s arms in the midst of a serious case of malnutrition, for which she remained hospitalized for several days in a clinic in the United States. As time went by, she became the joy of the house. “She is one of those people who laughs with her whole body. Completely open and full of joy,” Angelina said about the young woman.
