Bloodsport franchise is making a triumphant return with Bloodsport 5. This action-packed sequel reunites martial arts legends Jean-Claude Van Damme and Bolo Yeung, promising to deliver the ultimate showdown in a saga that has thrilled audiences since 1988. Set years after the events of the original Bloodsport, the new film follows Frank Dux (Van Damme) as he emerges from a peaceful retirement to train a new generation of fighters. But when an underground kumite resurfaces with deadly stakes, Dux is pulled back into the brutal world of no-holds-barred combat. Standing in his way is Chong Li (Bolo Yeung), who returns as the tournament’s enigmatic and fearsome overlord. The stakes are higher than ever as the kumite evolves into a global spectacle, merging traditional martial arts with cutting-edge combat styles. Dux must confront not only Chong Li but also his own legacy, as he fights to protect the honor of martial arts and the lives of those he trains.