Scarlett Johansson shares her disappointment after being snubbed by Bob Dylan three times during a chat show.

Scarlett Johansson revealed during a chat show appearance Tuesday that she was snubbed three times by Bob Dylan, but she still remains a mega fan.

The 32-year-old actress while on Late Night With Seth Meyers said film director Bennett Miller [Moneyball and Foxcatcher] arranged for her to be in a music video for the 75-year-old Hurricane singer.

The concept was a bizarre ‘Felliniesque, Zampanò, clowns on the street performance’ in which they were supposed to appear side by side, Johansson said.

Triple snub: Scarlett Johansson revealed being snubbed three times by Bob Dylan during an appearance Tuesday on Late Night With Seth Meyers

‘It sounded really cool so we were all prepped for that and then…like the day before…Dylan was like ”I don’t want to do that”,’ the actress revealed.

‘So you did the video without Dylan?’ asked Meyers, 43.

‘Yeah, I was really sad about it,’ said the Lost In Translation star.

After the video was released Dylan failed to contact her with any thanks or congratulations.

Video star: The Lost In Translation star told how music legend Dylan didn’t show up for their music video

‘I never heard from him, and I was like ‘what the hell Bob Dylan?’ I just did all the work, I spent hours emoting for him,’ she smiled.

Dylan then snubbed Johansson for a third time, while backstage at the Terminal 5 concert venue in Manhattan.

‘I thought he would say something like ”Wow, we should have diner some time” and he was just like ”that was cool” and passed on to the next person,’ Johansson said while breaking out her impersonation of the singer.

Impersonation attempt: Seth Meyers laughed as Johansson broke out her Dylan impersonation

After initial disappointment she decided it was par for the course with the notoriously moody performer.

‘I felt sort of bad about it and then I was like ”no, It’s Dylan”,’ she said, noting that she remains a huge fan.

‘As he passed me [at Terminal 5] something on his lapel snagged my sweater and I kept that snagged sweater for two years…I’d be like ”you see that pull? That was Dylan”,’ she laughed.

Huge fan: Johansson said she remains a huge Dylan fan

‘So Dorky,’ admitted the Her star, who was wearing a white, studded maxi dress with baby doll heels.

Earlier in the interview Johansson talked about her new movie Ghost In The Shell, in which she does a lot of ‘kicking a**’.

‘I know what a barrel roll is now,’ she joked.

Self-defense lessons: The actress said she was taking self-defense lessons while promoting her new movie Ghost In The Shell

After a journalist asked her if she was able to ‘kiss his a**’ she started taking self-defense lessons.

‘It was such a weird interview…he asked me if I could beat him up…and I was like ”right now? I want to but I don’t know if I can”,’ she recalled.

‘On my walk home I was like ”I’ve got to do something about this” just so I can kick the a** of some misogynistic journalist’.

Just started: Johansson asked Meyers not to hit her because she just started training

‘I made a promise to myself that I should not just look like I know how to kiss a**, but actually know how to do it,’ she said.

Adding: ‘Don’t try to hit me though, I just started I’m a little fragile still’.

‘That’s the first thing they teach you in self defense class, to always let your attacker know what your level is, so that they don’t hit you with something you can’t handle,’ joked Meyers.

New movie: The actress was promoting her new film Ghost In The Shell that opens Friday
