No longer sweet honey, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt forced each other to “taste the bitter fruit”.

After Angelina Jolie made shocking allegations about Brad Pitt behaving violently on a flight with his wife and children in 2016, actor Brad Pitt’s side has officially responded.Brad Pitt’s side affirms that the information that he abused his wife and children on a flight in 2016 is “completely false”

Through a spokesperson, Brad Pitt’s side responded to the New York Post (USA) that the information Jolie gave about him abusing his wife and children on a private plane flight back 2016 is “completely untrue”.

Why are old stories brought up again?

In the documents that Jolie’s side just submitted to the court in Los Angeles (USA) related to the lawsuit against Brad Pitt surrounding his French villa, she provided detailed information about Brad’s violent behavior. Pitt during a “crisis” flight in 2016. According to Jolie, this incident was the final straw that made her decide to file for divorce.

According to Jolie, on the flight from France to the US, Pitt “strangled one child and slapped another child”, the actor also “grabbed Jolie by her hair and pulled hard”. On the flight, Pitt “poured beer on Jolie and then poured beer and wine on the children”.

The chaotic incident on the flight started from arguments when Pitt thought that Jolie was too “highly appreciative” of her children. Pitt yelled and yelled at Jolie in the plane’s bathroom. “Pitt grabbed Jolie by her hair and pulled hard, then he grabbed her shoulder and continued to pull. Pitt then punched the roof of the plane several times.”

When a child approached to protect Jolie, Pitt attacked this child, Jolie rushed out to protect her child, and at this moment, Pitt “strangled one child and slapped another child”.

Jolie with her six children (Photo: Page Six).

The villa in France that Jolie and Pitt once bought together is associated with memories of the crisis that caused their marriage to collapse. It was here that they once held their wedding. After the divorce, they were caught up in litigation because of this project

To protect her children, Jolie hugged Brad Pitt tightly from behind. Pitt immediately threw himself back, causing Jolie to collide with the plane seat, injuring her back and elbow. Their children ran back to protect their mother and each other. “Many children asked Pitt to stop. Everyone on the flight felt scared, many family members burst into tears.”

In fact, in the documents that Jolie’s side submitted to court, there were many other shocking details mentioned. All to emphasize that during the flight from France to the US in 2016, Pitt could not control himself, he had provocative language and attitude, and behaved violently towards his wife and children.

This caused Jolie and her children to then have to travel by private car and stay at a hotel instead of returning home with Pitt. From here, Jolie and Pitt’s marriage collapsed. Immediately after Jolie filed for divorce, Pitt publicly announced that he was addicted to alcohol and expressed his determination to quit drinking.

Brad Pitt still confidently walks down the street after a series of shocking information released by Angelina Jolie (Photo: Daily Mail).

The fact that Jolie officially released shocking information about Brad Pitt at this time is because both sides are pursuing litigation related to the villa they bought together in France. Pitt sued Jolie because he said she “played foul” and deliberately did not sell her shares in the French villa to him, in order to cause difficulties for the wine business that Pitt was pursuing at this villa.

Currently, Jolie and the party who bought back her shares have also filed a lawsuit against Pitt, because they believe that Pitt is deliberately forcing and “playing hard” on the party buying back the shares.

According to Jolie, during the process of negotiating the resale of shares, Pitt always forced her to “sign an agreement pledging that she would not disclose information about the physical and mental abuse committed by Pitt.” ever caused to his wife and children”, but Jolie did not agree with this clause. Currently, Jolie decided to speak out publicly to protect herself.

There are many comments surrounding the move to “rehash the old story”, many people believe that this move will only deepen the memories of crisis (if any) in the minds of the Jolie children. – Pitt. Furthermore, the information about the flight in 2016 is not really related to the lawsuit that Jolie and Pitt are pursuing around the villa in France.

Will Brad Pitt’s career and image collapse because of accusations of abuse?

After giving shocking information about her ex-husband, Jolie went to New York to visit her adopted daughter Zahara, who is studying at University here (Photo: Daily Mail).

The media – the public witnessed what happened to actor Johnny Depp when he was accused of violence by his ex-wife – actress Amber Heard – even though only with hidden information appearing in an article published. newspaper.

In that article, Heard never called Depp by name, she only said she was a victim of domestic violence, but that “insinuating” information was enough to send Depp into a difficult, dark period. last up to several years. There was a time when it was thought that Depp’s career was forever at rock bottom when he was turned away by Hollywood.

The roles that Depp had accepted were immediately cut, no new film projects invited him to participate, and advertising contracts were all canceled (only… one brand still maintained a contract with Depp).

The situation was so dark and terrible that Depp decided to sue to reclaim his personal honor. He sued from the UK to the US, pursuing litigation for many years to be able to partially restore his personal image. , although the damage suffered is difficult to quantify.

Will that scenario happen to Brad Pitt in the present? Angelina Jolie – Brad Pitt’s ex-wife – even named him, what will happen to actor Brad Pitt’s future in Hollywood? The ongoing story between Jolie and Pitt is very reminiscent of what happened between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp.

Jolie just had time to spend with her two adopted children, Maddox and Zahara, in New York (Photo: Daily Mail).

Depp and Heard only lived together for more than a year in marriage but have not stopped arguing since breaking up in 2016. They sued each other for many years until June of this year, when they finally stopped. Despite the current reality, both sides are still showing signs of wanting to… continue to sue.

Regarding Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they have been together since 2005, the two officially married in 2014, after two years of marriage, Jolie filed for divorce in 2016. Since then, Jolie and Pitt is still fighting for custody of his children to this day. Now, they still have serious disagreements on how to handle shared property. Recently, the two sides took each other to court and now they have begun to dig up many old stories.

Currently, Pitt is also denying the allegations of violence made by his ex-wife. He admitted that he used to be an alcoholic and caused some unhappy things to his family, but as Pitt’s representative stated, he will only accept responsibility for what he has done, he will not stay silent. Be silent about the things you don’t do.

Will Brad Pitt’s image and career experience hardship or even be at risk of collapse? Is a looming lawsuit about to take place in Hollywood, because an A-list male actor believes that his ex-wife has defamed his reputation?

The media and the public will have to wait and observe more, but clearly, a messy and sad story has just broken out in Hollywood after a divorce between two A-list stars (although that divorce happened since… 6 years ago).

When they were still together, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were once considered an iconic golden couple in Hollywood, but up to now, many of the couple’s old fans have expressed disappointment at the way they acted. two people walked out of marriage.

Many netizens commented that the way Pitt and Jolie are currently treating each other is as if they want to destroy each other and want the other person to struggle in litigation. Both sides want the other to compensate them materially. Besides, the information they give about each other during the litigation process also affects each person’s image and career.

Faced with all these very unkind moves, a netizen made a comment that received a lot of response: “6 years after the divorce, I was able to remarry and enjoy my new life. Then, I feel happy to once again find love in my life.

6 years is a pretty long time in a person’s life and it should be that, after 6 years, both sides should no longer want to be present in each other’s lives. They should have moved on, but right now, they are still fighting. I feel like they are two very bitter people after leaving their marriage. In the story of Jolie and Pitt, whether right or wrong, both lose.”
