She really IS the ideal woman! Scarlett Johansson named ‘physically perfect’ closest to Ancient Greeks’ Golden Ratio, surpassing Kim Kardashian.

Scarlett Johansson is as ‘close to physical perfection’ as any celebrity currently alive, according to a new study.

The 30-year-old American actress has been found to have the perfect ‘Golden Ratio’ figure by lingerie brand Bluebella who analysed the figures of leading celebrities.

The ancient Greeks claimed there was a Golden Ratio for all things when they approached perfection.

Scarlett Johansson is as ‘close to physical perfection’ as any celebrity currently alive, according to a new study by lingerie brand Bluebella

And Scarlett’s vital statistics of bust, waist and hip measurements give her a 96.4 per cent score against the Golden Ratio of beauty.

The hour-glass curves from the Avengers star’s bust to waist when compared to her hip measurements came up with a figure f 1.560 which is close to the Golden Ratio of beauty of 1.618.

The ratio has been held for thousands of years to represent the paradigm of beauty.

Scientists have previously applied it to the ideal layout of facial features but until now it has never been used to gauge perfection in women’s figures.

In research commissioned by underwear giant Bluebella, Kim Kardashian, 34, was second with a 96.3 per cent Golden Ratio.

Helen Mirren, 69, was third with a score of 95.6 per cent.

Kim Kardashian’s famous curves saw her land second place in the Bluebella study

Bluebella also looked at celebrities from the past and found that Marilyn Monroe was fourth best with a figure just six per cent off the ideal.

Women with curvier figures came out better under this analysis with Kelly Brook featuring fifth.

However more athletic frames also featured in the top ten and actress Cameron Diaz was sixth with 91 per cent and model Elle Macpherson came in seventh with 88.3 per cent.

Just behind Elle in eighth was voluptuous actress Salma Hayek with 88 per cent and Katy Perry came ninth with a 92 per cent rating.

Some stars have a higher figures than the perfect Golden Ratio of 1.618, others are lower – but Scarlett’s rating is the closest.

Bluebella stumbled upon the Golden Ratio by chance when researching sizing options for their next season’s women’s underwear collection.

While looking at celebrity women’s photographs they discovered all were within +/- 10 per cent of the Golden Ratio despite the fact the women’s shapes and figures differed enormously.

Bluebella founder Emily Bendell said: ‘We do a lot of research to make sure that our lingerie fits perfectly and that we understand trends around body shape.

Actress Helen Mirren was the highest featuring Brit in the Golden Ratio study findings

‘We were running a computer simulation on celebrity women and in doing so we inadvertently discovered that Scarlett Johansson’s figure is pretty much as close as you can get to the perfect Golden Ratio.’

Bendell added: ‘We were pleased to see that women’s figures were all very different, varying from athletic and slim, to voluptuous and curvy, which shows that you do not have to be have a skinny model-like physique in order to be beautiful.’

The figures were calculated by superimposing a Golden Ratio grid over a full length photos of the female celebrities – mapping their bust, waist and hips.

Bluebella founder Emily Bendell said ‘you do not have to be have a skinny model-like physique in order to be beautiful’
