Angelina Jolie’s Latest Adoption Scandal.

Angelina Jolie at the annual lecture of the Sergio Vieira De Mello Foundation in Geneva in March. (Photo: Harold Cunningham/Getty Images)

Acclaimed actress and humanitarian Angelina Jolie is facing intense public scrutiny over the latest allegations of unethical practices in her high-profile adoptions of children from around the world.

According to multiple reports, the “Maleficent” star has been accused of using her celebrity status and vast resources to circumvent due process and legal safeguards in the adoption of several children, including her 21-year-old son Maddox, who was adopted from Cambodia in 2002.

The claims, which have not been officially confirmed by Jolie or her representatives, allege that the Oscar-winning actress leveraged her wealth and influence to expedite adoptions, potentially at the expense of the children’s best interests and the rights of their biological families.

“There are serious questions being raised about the transparency and legality of some of Angelina Jolie’s past adoptions,” said child welfare advocate Sarah Thompson. “When you have someone with that level of fame and fortune, there’s a real risk of exploitation and abuse of the system.”

The latest scandal comes on the heels of previous controversies surrounding Jolie’s adoption practices, including allegations that she failed to properly investigate the backgrounds of some of the children she has taken in over the years.

In 2007, for instance, Jolie was accused of separating Zahara, one of her adopted daughters, from her biological family in Ethiopia, a claim the actress vehemently denied at the time.

Now, with these new allegations surfacing, critics are calling for a thorough investigation into Jolie’s adoption history, as well as a broader examination of the potential loopholes and power imbalances that can arise when wealthy individuals seek to build families through international adoptions.

“This isn’t just about Angelina Jolie,” said child rights activist Emma Watkins. “It’s about the systemic issues that allow the wealthy and famous to exploit vulnerable children and families around the world. We need stronger regulations and oversight to prevent these kinds of abuses from happening.”

Jolie, who has long been an outspoken advocate for children’s rights and humanitarian causes, has yet to publicly address the latest allegations. However, her supporters have rallied to her defense, arguing that the actress has a proven track record of caring for and supporting her adopted children.

“Angelina Jolie has dedicated her life to helping children in need and giving them loving homes,” said fan Melissa Fernandez. “These accusations just seem like a calculated attempt to tarnish her reputation and undermine the important work she’s done.”

As the controversy continues to unfold, the spotlight remains firmly fixed on the complex and often opaque world of international adoptions, where the best interests of children can sometimes become overshadowed by the wealth and influence of those seeking to grow their families.