The most realistic images of the “Amazon river monster”!

The most realistic images of the “Amazon River monster”!Anaconda is a name that makes many people shudder just thinking about it. Yet there are people who are willing to dive into the Amazon River without any protective gear, just to approach that terrifying monster.

Without sharp fangs or deadly venom, Anaconda is still a name that makes everyone shudder in fear when thinking about it. The body is the largest in the snake family, making them into countless legends, becoming an endless source of inspiration for many horror movies around the world.There is some evidence that Anaconda is not actually aggressive, even quite shy and often avoids humans. However, no matter what, that massive body is definitely strong enough to crush every bone of an adult if it is unfortunately attacked.

Yet, overcoming that fear, there are some people who are willing to dive into the Amazon River without protective gear, just to track down one of the “legendary” and rarest creatures, the Bolivian Anaconda.First, there is Jeremy Wade. He had a “face-to-face” experience with the world’s most feared snake, which was all recorded.Or Franco Banfi – a 53-year-old researcher – who also has an endless passion for snakes. He spent a lot of time with his partner Daniel De Granville to approach and film this giant snake.But when he did, all he brought with him was a diving suit and a specialized camera, without any other protective equipment.Without hesitation, he immediately approached the snake, and got the images we see below.Luckily for Franco, the snake he was chasing had just finished a full meal. Its prey is the giant capybara, so it doesn’t care about the two creatures that are trying to capture it. All it needs is a rest.

Banfi shared: “The python had just finished eating so it didn’t care about us. Of course there was still a risk, but I was confident that it wouldn’t attack us. I even got so close that I could have reached out and touched it.”Banfi’s partner – Daniel De Granville agreed with the opinion that this snake is quite shy. “They seem to be more afraid of us than we are of them.”He also honestly shared that his first impression when interacting with “Mr. Python” was extremely scary.

But in the end, “if you respect “him”, he will also “respect” you a little bit” – Granville humorously commented.For Banfi, this was also the first time he had approached an Anaconda at such a close distance. “I believe that venomous snakes are scarier than this one. At least you can clearly observe what an Anaconda looks like and what it will do.”