Here’s why it’s important to stop throwing tuna can oil down the sink

Here’s why it’s important to stop throwing tuna can oil down the sink

Raise your hand if you don’t throw canned tuna oil down the sink! Let’s admit that almost all of us are used to doing so. Since this substance is liquid, it makes more sense to pour it down the sink. However, this action has harmful consequences for the environment. Let’s explain why.Many people don’t know it, but canned tuna oil is very polluting and not recyclable, just like normal cooking oil. For this reason, it is strictly not recommended to throw it down the sink drain or toilet, as it would contaminate the water and could even clog the sink. You should know that all the oils we use in the kitchen are disposed of in collection centers together with the fats used for cooking, but then where should we put the tuna oil to stop damaging the environment?

anned tuna oil: don’t throw it away!Tuna oilPinterest logoTuna oil – Source: spmWhen you consume 1 liter of oil, including cooking oil, it is good to know that a quarter is recovered, while the rest is dispersed in the environment, keeping in mind that these cooking oils are not waste like the others.

Canned tuna oil: how to dispose of it?Canned tunaPinterest logoCanned tuna – Source: spmAs we have said, to preserve the environment, it would be preferable not to pour canned tuna oil into the sink. Like all other oils, it is more prudent to store it in bottles. Knowing that oil preserves food, it must be disposed of in collection centers.

Frying oils, seasoning oils, canned oils… All these edible oils are not waste like the others, their treatment is very specific. Under no circumstances should they be thrown into the pipes as the oil tends to freeze when in contact with water and clog the pipes. Ideally, they should be sent to a collection point specific to this type of waste. Generally, for small quantities of used oil, it is advisable to pour it into a bottle and mix it with other household waste.

Canned tuna oil: a concentrate of Omega 3Otherwise, instead of trying to get rid of it, there is another much simpler solution: since it is rich in omega 3, you can cook it in different ways to consume it: raw, you can use it to prepare a fish dish. salad, for example, or to prepare fish dishes, fry meat or prepare a delicious fish soup.

As you may have understood, this oil is not to be thrown away: not only because it contains the nutrients contained in the tuna itself, but also because it would be a huge waste of food. Store it like a normal oil and use it without fear to prepare your recipes.

Is canned tuna oil good?TunaPinterest logoTuna – Source: spmResearchers have carried out a recent study that validates the theory according to which canned tuna oil retains its organoleptic qualities, its flavor and its aroma, in addition to being a real concentrate of vitamin D and omega 3.