LA Knight overcomes Andrade in United States Title Match

LA Knight vs Andrade

The Mexican launches himself at his rival with a big “Crossbody”, but his cover doesn’t make any progress. However, this allows Andrade to catch LA Knight on the mat. The champion manages to shake off the punishment and the action goes to ringside. LA avoids being hit against the commentary table and it is he who sends his opponent repeatedly against the table where Michael Cole & Corey Graves are located.

Back in the ring, LA Knight surprises Andrade with a Slingshot Tacle, but his coverage doesn’t make any progress. Both dangerously move to the apron; ‘El Ídolo’ manages to win the duel in this area to send Knight face first into the post. Andrade takes advantage of the situation and launches himself with a Moonsault from the top of the corner to hurt the champion. The contenders battle relentlessly on WWE SmackDown

The Mexican is on fire as he has LA lying on the corner… Andrade gains momentum but misses a Running Double Knees; Knight reacts to knock the challenger down with a DDT and the count stays at two. Now it’s LA Knight who punishes Andrade against the corner and finishes the sequence with a knee followed by a Neckbreaker; the count is two. The champion knocks down the Mexican with a Powerslam and then connects a Diving Elbow Drop with incredible style.

Andrade avoids a BFT and goes for the three count with a Roll-Up; LA Knight escapes, but can’t avoid a Back Elbow. Spectacular! ‘El Idolo’ gains height, while LA Knight has trouble reaching the top rope in a single jump. Even so, Andrade jumps, but misses the target and hits the canvas. LA Knight takes advantage of the situation and now, he knocks Andrade out with a BFT. LA Knight RETAINS the United States Championship! After the match, Andrade forcibly extends LA Knight’s hand as a sign of respect.