Bayley defeats Naomi and earns a title match against Nia Jax

Bayley vs Naomi

Both competitors start off with some very close action, but it’s Naomi who ends up standing after the initial push after attacking her rival with a “Tornillo”. Back in the ring, Bayley takes advantage of Naomi hanging between the ropes to attack with an “Elbow Drop” and then takes her out of the ring to connect with a “Suicide Dive”. Bayley can’t maintain her dominance on her return to the ring because Naomi greets her with a “Rear View”.

Exchange of blows between both in the center of the ring. Naomi breaks the sequence by attacking with an “Enzuigiri” and then plants her against the canvas, but it is not enough to win. Although “The Glow” punishes her with a “Neckbreaker” from the top of the corner, Bayley recovers to send her against the corner with a “Sunset Flip Bomb” ; the coverage does not progress because the impact on Naomi was not powerful enough on WWE SmackDown ( September 27, 2024 ).

Naomi surprises her opponent with a Roundhouse Kick and goes for the high spot again, but is taken down with a Bayley-to-Belly. Bayley wastes no time and finishes Naomi off with a Diving Elbow Drop. Bayley earns a shot at the WWE Women’s Championship! Naomi leaves heartbroken that she couldn’t get the win despite her hard work in Oklahoma City.