The sequel to The Martian is rumored to be in the works, with whispers of Matt Damon returning as the beloved astronaut Mark…

Se rumorea que la secuela de The Martian está en proceso, con rumores de que Matt Damon regresará como el querido astronauta Mark…

The sequel to The Martian is rumored to be in the works, with whispers of Matt Damon returning as the beloved astronaut Mark…

After over 15 years, Warner Bros. is finally moving forward with I Am Legend 2, a sequel to the 2007 sci-fi horror hit,…

Warner Bros. has officially announced a new Conan the Barbarian film with Henry Cavill taking on the titular role. Cavill, best known for…

Jaden Smith ha sido elegido como el héroe titular de la próxima película “Spider-Man: Miles Morales”. A él se une la talentosa Anya…

Jaden Smith has been cast as the titular hero in the upcoming film “Spider-Man: Miles Morales.” Joining him is the talented Anya Taylor-Joy,…

Paramount Pictures ha confirmado oficialmente la tan esperada tercera entrega de G.I. Joe protagonizada por Dwayne “La Roca” Johnson. Siguiendo las entradas de…

Paramount Pictures has officially confirmed the much-anticipated third installment of G.I. Joe starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Following the franchise’s action-driven entries—G.I. Joe:…