La conquista de Aegon (2025)

¡Prepárate para ser transportado de vuelta al épico mundo de Westeros con “La Conquista de Aegon (2025)!” Protagonizada por Henry Cavill como Aegon…

Shang-Chi 2 y los restos del tiempo

¡Prepárate para ser cautivado por el regreso de Shang-Chi en “Shang-Chi 2: The Wreckage of Time”! Esta secuela muy esperada lleva a nuestro…

El apicultor 2 (2025) – Nuevo tráiler | Jason Statham

Tras el electrizante éxito de The Beekeeper, Jason Statham repite su papel en la esperadísima secuela, The Beekeeper 2. La primera película cautivó…

Power Rangers 2 (2026) – Nuevo tráiler teaser | HD

Get ready for an electrifying adventure as the Power Rangers return in “Power Rangers 2”! This highly anticipated sequel promises to deliver even…

Piratas del Caribe 6: El regreso de Davy Jones – Tráiler teaser | Johnny Depp, Margot Robbie

Embárcate en una aventura épica con Piratas del Caribe 6: El regreso de Davy Jones, en la que el capitán Jack Sparrow, interpretado…

Guenther Steiner’s advice to Max Verstappen in $1bn Aston Martin rumours

Guenther Steiner has told Max Verstappen to make the move to Aston Martin, because even if he “finishes last”, he’ll have a “billion”…

Lewis Hamilton gets immediate redemption shot as third Ferrari test approaches

Lewis Hamilton will have a chance to put his Barcelona crash behind him this week when he gets a rare chance to drive…

Max Verstappen quizzed on potential Alonso partnership amid £1bn Aston Martin rumours

Max Verstappen remained coy when quizzed on potentially becoming Fernando Alonso’s F1 team-mate, remarking that “it’s very difficult to say what will happen”…

Khabib Nurmagomedov posts Instagram picture next to Dana White’s BMW and jokes ‘lucky you gave me my belt or I would smash your car’ after beating Conor McGregor

It was Conor McGregor on the receiving end of Khabib Nurmagomedov’s awesome power on Saturday night, but UFC chief Dana White could have felt his wrath too.…

Conor McGregor seemingly spits in face of fan who heckled UFC star with Khabib Nurmagomedov comment

Conor McGregor appeared to spit on the face of a fan in retaliation to a comment about Khabib Nurmagomedov directed towards him. McGregor,…