The First Prisoner (2025) is an intense action film starring Jason Statham as a former special agent who is framed and sentenced to…

“Rocky 7″” (2025) marks the return of Sylvester Stallone as the legendary boxer Rocky Balboa, continuing the inspiring story of perseverance and fighting…

Bucky Barnes has had a long history in the MCU, and I’m afraid that’s all going to come to an end in Thunderbolts*.…

“Final Fist” (2025) es una intensa película de acción protagonizada por Dwayne Johnson. Dirigida por un nombre reconocido en el género de acción…

Granger (2025) es una película de acción de alto riesgo protagonizada por Sylvester Stallone, que ofrece una apasionante historia de lealtad, sacrificio y…

“”DEMON”” (2025) is a thrilling new action movie starring Scott Adkins, promising intense fight scenes, high-speed chases, and a story filled with mystery…

El señor Helberg va a Washington. Jacob Helberg, elegido por el presidente Trump para subsecretario de Estado para crecimiento, energía y medio ambiente,…

Vice President JD Vance has quickly found a buyer for his Alexandria, Virginia, home. Vance listed the Washington, D.C.-area home on Thursday for $1.695 million,…

Chris Hemsworth is rumored to play the powerful king of the gods in the upcoming epic Zeus. Although specifics are yet unknown, rumors…