Chappie 2: Singularidad – Avance trailer (2025)

La secuela de 185 millones de dólares revela que Chappie ha evolucionado más allá de su programación original, descubriendo una manera de transferir…

Chappie 2: Singularity – Teaser Trailer (2025)

The $185 million sequel reveals that Chappie has evolved beyond his original programming, discovering a way to transfer consciousness across the global network.…

The Aladdin 2: First Trailer | Disney Studios (2025)

The adventure continues in “Aladdin 2: The Return of Jafar”! In this fan-made concept trailer, we return to the magical city of Agrabah,…

The New Mutants 2: Dark Legacy | First Trailer (2026)

Fans of the X-Men universe have reason to celebrate with the arrival of the highly anticipated sequel, The New Mutants 2: Dark Legacy.…

Catwoman 2 – First Trailer (2026)

The anticipation is building as fans around the world eagerly await the release of Catwoman 2, set to hit theaters in 2026. The…

🧪 Breaking Bad 2 🧪(2025) – Primer tráiler | Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul.

En un movimiento sin precedentes que ha conmocionado a las industrias de la televisión y el cine, Sony Pictures ha anunciado oficialmente Breaking…

BLACK ADAM 2 Teaser (2025)

After being imprisoned for 5,000 years, Teth-Adam (Dwayne Johnson) is awakened in the modern world, bringing with him the raw power of an…

🏴‍☠️ Piratas del Caribe 6 🏴‍☠️Primer tráiler.

La tan esperada Piratas del Caribe 6 está oficialmente en desarrollo, con Disney confirmando su regreso a alta mar. Esta entrega promete revitalizar…

🏴‍☠️Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (2025) 🏴‍☠️First Trailer | Johnny Depp.

The long-awaited Pirates of the Caribbean 6 is officially in development, with Disney confirming its return to the high seas. This installment promises…

La antigua casa de la estrella de la Edad de Oro de Hollywood en la costa de California se cotiza en $ 6 millones

La antigua casa de Joan Fontaine en Carmel Highlands, California, está a la venta con un precio de cotización de casi $ 6…