Tomb Raider 2 Trailer (HD) Alicia Vikander, Mads Mikkelsen | Lara Croft Returns | Fan Made

Tomb Raider 2018 is one of my favorite female lead adventure film. Making Tomb Raider 2 dream trailer I had to rewatch it and it was once again enjoyable just like making this dream trailer. Unfortunately it seems like the sequel for the film was cancelled due to the poor performance in the box office but I think it deserve a sequel so I made a dream trailer for it. In positive note there are many Tomb Raider fan films I found to use which helped make this dream trailer realistic. I used clips from actual film for the actress presence then connected with fan film clips to make the scene fresh. I made the trailer begin showing the last scene of Tomb Raider bringing the idea that Trinity are everywhere which will be lead by Mads Mikkelsen the new main villain to set up the plot of the dream trailer. One of my favorite connection scenes was the part when Lara was holding the weapon and then I showed a scene from fan film her in action. The running from gun sh0ts scene showing Lara jumping off and falling I showed Alicia Vikander scene laying down to make it look like she landed. This was really fun to make I hope this trailer does well so I can make more and that the makers of the film considers making a sequel.