SUPERMAN – New Final Trailer (2025) James Gunn, David Corenswet

In addition to Lex Luthor, Superman’s cast of characters includes a group of four heroic metahumans who appear to be at odds with Superman, as well as other adversaries like the Engineer, played by Maria Gabriela de Faría, and the enigmatic masked villain who goes with Lex Luthor. According to the trailers, Superman, directed by David Corenswet, will fundamentally alter the DCU’s idea of a superhero, which will undoubtedly upset certain metahumans, vigilantes, criminals, and ordinary people.

Most of DC’s previous live-action Superman movies didn’t have the chance to dive into the intricacies of Lex Luthor and Superman’s enmity, either because actors didn’t reprise their roles or because their respective franchises came to a premature end. James Gunn’s Superman seems to kick off a long feud between David Corenswet’s Superman and Nicholas Hoult’s Lex Luthor. Given how expansive the DCU aims to be, Nicholas Hoult’s Lex Luthor is bound to return multiple times to attack Superman and possibly other heroes as well.