Musings on Angelina Jolie as a bride.

After presenting “what we know so far” on Universal’s in-development The Bride of Frankenstein movie, and of the possibility of who could portray the iconic figure, UMU’s Z. DeVaughn offers her musings on the possibility of Angelina Jolie being cast as The Bride.

Angelina Jolie is going to slay in the upcoming remake of The Bride of Frankenstein.  This isn’t her first time taking on an iconic character and completely embodying it (check her out in the Lara Croft Tomb Raider films and in Maleficent). She is such a gifted actor that she can excel in any type of role – Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Action, and now Horror? The girl can’t be type cast!

I must admit that I can’t wait to see what she does with The Bride for a few reasons. Firstly, I enjoy any Angelina Jolie flick (the woman is a badass!) and secondly I love horror movies, but the main reason is that I’m dying to see how Jolie will be transformed. I wonder if they will keep the look traditional or will they modernize her or even better, will they do an avant garde reinvention.


We all know that Angelina Jolie can take a classic look, take a complete left turn on it and have you feeling like ‘this is the way the character should have always looked.’ Just thinking of the striking architectural planes of those sky-scraping cheekbones that she rocked in the 2014 version of Disney’s Maleficent puts my mind to work wondering about the fabulous-ness that she could turn out in this film.


I can just imagine what a vision she will be in her version of the Bride’s signature coif. With The Bride’s famous enviable head of decadent dual-toned curly/wavy hair, Angelina Jolie will have a lot to work with. Then there’s the makeup. In the original, The Bride’s look was already so gorgeous with its strong full brow and that amazing dark lip, but we all know so much more can be done to expand on this. Will the new version up the ante or will it stay true to the original? We’ll all have to wait and see.
