President Perez considers selling nearly 50% of Real Madrid shares

Real Madrid President Florentino Perez has left a deep mark in the club’s history after two terms. Under his leadership, the Royal Spanish football team recorded outstanding development on a global scale.

Although the construction of the new Santiago Bernabeu is seen as the final step in his great legacy, according to reports, Perez is still looking to make a much more dramatic change before leaving. from his position as Chairman.

The 77-year-old president plans to continue running for at least one more term and is looking for options to strengthen the club’s legal and financial position. The sale of 11% of La Liga’s television shares for 50 years to CVC, along with UEFA’s actions (especially fiercely against Super League) were seen as strong moves and financially rivaled by UEFA. Real Madrid.

Perez was dubbed the “Godfather of European football” when he helped Real Madrid achieve great success.

Faced with that situation, Florentino Perez believes that Los Blancos need to change to adapt and maintain control at all times. In addition, the increase in ownership by the state and billionaires in the Premier League is raising concerns that Real Madrid could fall into the hands of those who Perez considers “bad guys”.

El Confidencial reports, “The Godfather” is considering two options, one of which is to increase the power of the members, improve the structure of the club and ensure that it remains the property of the club – although it is unclear specifically what change this involves.

Although at this stage, that action means turning Real Madrid into a private company with members as shareholders.

Meanwhile, the second idea will create a big change in Spanish football. Perez has discussed options with legal firm Clifford Chance and investment banking firm Key Capital Partners, including bringing Real Madrid onto the stock market.

Los Blancos’ ownership is different from many other European giants. Photo: GOAL.

Unlike most other European sports clubs, which belong to a specific owner, Real Madrid is owned by 91,671 members (collectively known as Socios). The Socios have owned and operated the club throughout its formation and development.

Therefore, if you want to proceed with the second option, you must have Socios’ consent to sell up to 49.9% of White Vulture’s shares, but the number of shares sold by the club will be limited to members. retains primary control.

The second option would create a major change in club ownership. While it would be possible for the club to expand into other territories legally, this would mean giving away a large portion of Real Madrid’s shares to investors for personal gain, instead for the Socios.

In theory, every member would have equal power in deciding the future of the club, but if opened to investors, this would lead to the end of that equality. However, shareholders still retain the final say on important decisions.

To do this, Perez will need to propose changes through a vote. The possibility of success is very high when in recent years, few members have stood up against the big ideas of the “Godfather”.