The Perfect Colon Cleanse Recipe: An Easy Nightly Schedule

The secret to general health and wellbeing is keeping the digestive system in good working order. Using basic, natural materials you probably already have in your cupboard, a simple cleanse is an excellent approach to promote the health of your colon. Flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, cloves, and olive oil are combined in this recipe to make a potent but simple-to-make combination. You can support digestive health and cleanse your colon by consuming just one spoonful before bed.

Flaxseed: Packed with of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed aids in regular bowel movements and improves nutrition absorption in the intestinal tract.

Pumpkin Seeds: Packed with magnesium, these seeds are essential for proper muscular function, especially the muscles in your digestive tract that aid in the movement of food through your system.

Cloves: Well-known for its antibacterial qualities, cloves can support the regulation of microbial populations in the digestive tract, promoting a balanced flora in the gut.

Olive oil: Lubricates your digestive system and facilitates the passage of waste. It also offers antioxidants and healthy fatty acids.


50g each of pumpkin seeds and flaxseed

10 grams of cloves

150 milliliters of olive oil

Grind the cloves and seeds:

Pulverize the cloves, pumpkin seeds, and flaxseed into a fine powder using a food processor or coffee grinder. To maintain the natural oils and advantages of these substances, it is crucial to ground them fresh.

Combine with olive oil: Pour the powdered mixture into a jar that fits tightly on top. Mix thoroughly to blend the powder after adding the olive oil. In addition to keeping the mixture fresh, the olive oil facilitates the nutrients’ absorption.

Keep Safe: To preserve the mixture’s freshness, store it in the fridge. The seeds’ oils are kept from getting rancid by the chilly surroundings.

Before going to bed, take one spoonful of this mixture. It can be taken straight away or, for simpler digestion, mixed into a small glass of warm water.


Improved Digestive Health: This cleanse can help detoxify the colon and promote bowel regularity when used on a regular basis.

Improved Nutrient Absorption: Your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food is enhanced when the digestive tract is cleaned.

With only a few ingredients and little work, you can easily promote the health of your digestive system with this easy, natural colon cleanse. If you want to keep your gut happy and healthy, try including it into your nighttime routine