Life in the fast lane: Conor McGregor dons the famous Tour de France yellow jersey… but UFC star looks more at home getting manicure and pedicure

Conor McGregor is gearing up for a charity water bike race later this month and on Tuesday the UFC star sported the famous Tour de France yellow jersey.

The MMA fighter cheered on Tour de France cyclists as competitors set off from Nice, in the south of France, on Sunday.

UFC star Conor McGregor sported the famous Tour de France yellow jersey on Tuesday

The Irishman is gearing up for a 24-hour charity water bike race later this month

He also uploaded pictures of him donning the top while having a manicure and pedicure

And now he has posted several images of himself sporting the famous yellow jersey from the prestigious race onto his Instagram page as he got down to work.

As well as snaps of him wearing the shirt while cycling he also uploaded pictures of him donning the top while having a manicure and pedicure as he enjoyed some down time.

The charity water bike race will see two teams of four internationally renowned athletes take turns to ‘cycle’ 180km from Calvi, in Corsica, to Monaco.

McGregor posted snaps of himself sporting the yellow jersey while enjoying some down time

Sharing his excitement at taking part, McGregor posted earlier this summer: ‘A great day racing the water bikes with Princess Charlene of Monaco.

‘A phenomenal athlete and Olympian, we are teaming up for a 180km voyage in September to raise awareness in water safety. I cannot wait!

‘We will be utilising my training under the McGregor F.A.S.T program to excel on these mounted water bike devices, which are incredibly good! It is like Freedom out there! Thank you for the great day for my family Your Highness.’

In snaps shared last month, McGregor faced off against Princess Charlene of Monaco in a challenge in the waters off Monte Carlo, pictured

Instagram photos from the event show the pair going head-to-head, with McGregor at one point only narrowly beating former Olympic swimmer Charlene, pictured

McGregor announced earlier this summer he will be among the athletes taking part in a 24-hour charity water bike race in September. Pictured, on a water bike in Monaco

McGregor and Princess Charlene in the water in July. McGregor will be one of eight internationally renowned athletes take turns to ‘cycle’ 180km from Calvi, in Corsica, to Monaco

McGregor (left) and Charlene (right) race on the water bikes in Monaco in July