How to get a body like Anne Hathaway – from her super-slim waist to sculpted arms?

FROM super toned arms to a cinched waist – Anne Hathaway seems to have the dream physique.

But how does the Princess Diaries actor achieve her perfect figure?

Anne Hathaway (pictured) rarely opens up about her diet and fitness habits (Credit: Instagram)

How does Hollywood A-lister Anne Hathaway get her slim, sculpted physiqueCredit: EPA

PT Sarah Campus reveals the secrets to the 40-year-old’s workout regimeCredit: Getty

According to the mum-of-two, it’s all down to a combination of dance, cardio and resistance training – which she prefers to get done in the morning.

Anne, 40, rarely opens up about her diet and fitness habits. In fact, she often hits back at questions about food and health, particularly since having children.

We spoke to Sarah Campus, PT and founder LDN MUMS FITNESS to find out what Anne’s exercise routine, and diet could look like.

Morning workouts

Exercising can be a bit of a slog, especially if you leave it until after work.

Anne, known for her role in The Dark Knight Rises and The Devil Wears Prada, likes to fit in her workouts in the morning “usually for one hour, five days a week,” Sarah tells the Sun.

“Morning workouts sets her up mentally and physically for the day ahead, more so than if she were to train at say 11am,” the expert adds.

This is thanks to the the endorphins (happy hormones) that come from exercise, she explained.

US researchers have found that early-bird gym goers actually have a lower body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference than those working out later.

They also make healthier diet choices and eating less than other participants.

Strength training and dancing

The Hollywood star focuses mostly on strength training, Sarah says.

“This is because she finds them a lot more effective than cardio workouts.” she explains.

“She carries out strength, circuit and core work, using weights and resistance tools to achieve her strength.

“Exercises such as bent over rows, barbell chest press, tricep dips, barbell squats, dumbbell shoulder press, leg raises and then chest stretches to help with her posture,” she adds.

Countless studies have found strength training, sometimes called weight training, boosts the metabolism making weight loss easier.

To get herself in the mood, Anne likes the blast her favourite music and dance.

“She used to be a cheerleader so that really gets her pumped up and moving,” the fitness expert says.

The actor has previously said that since becoming a mum her motivation to workout has become stronger.

“Anne likes to work out with a PT, so that she stays accountable,” Sarah adds.Lots of protein and water

With regard to her diet, Anne enjoys eating a variety of whole foods, like fresh fruit, oats, brown rice and a colourful array of veg.

She did try her luck at the vegan diet but ended up swapping some lean meats back into her meals such as chicken and fish, Sarah said.

Studies have shown protein helps with weight loss by making you feel fuller for longer.

“To keep that gorgeous glowy skin, Anne makes sure she stays hydrated drinking 2L’s minimum per day, this also helps her with energy and focus, which she need for long days on set,” she adds.

PT Sarah Campus (pictured) shares what Anne’s exercise routine, and diet could look like