Scarlett Johansson: ‘Of Course I’ve Got a Big Ego – I’m an Actor and All Actors Think They’re The One’.

In a candid new interview, acclaimed actress Scarlett Johansson pulls no punches when discussing the outsized egos that come with being a Hollywood A-lister.

“Of course I’ve got a big ego – I am an actor, and all actors think they’re The One,” Johansson boldly declared. “We get constant validation and praise for our work, so it would be shocking if that didn’t inflate our sense of self-importance to some degree.”

The Black Widow star acknowledged that the acting profession attracts people with a certain level of vanity and narcissism. “We’re in a business that revolves around being the center of attention,” she explained. “You can’t really avoid developing an inflated ego when the whole industry is designed to make you feel special and irreplaceable.”

However, Johansson insisted that she’s self-aware enough to keep her ego in check, at least to some extent. “I try not to take myself too seriously,” she said. “I know that at the end of the day, I’m just an entertainer – my job is to bring enjoyment to people through my performances. That helps me stay grounded and not get too caught up in the Hollywood hype machine.”

The actress also pointed out that having a strong sense of self-confidence is often necessary for actors to succeed in such a competitive industry. “You have to believe in your own talent and abilities to even have a chance at making it in this business,” she said. “But you also have to be able to step back and recognize when your ego is getting the better of you.”

Johansson’s candid comments come at a time when the entertainment industry is grappling with issues of ego, entitlement, and the outsized influence of celebrity culture. Her willingness to acknowledge and even embrace her own ego serves as a refreshing counterpoint to the pervasive myth of the “humble actor.”

“At the end of the day, we’re all human beings with flaws and weaknesses,” Johansson concluded. “My ego may be bigger than most, but I try to keep it in check and stay grounded. It’s a constant balancing act, but that’s the price you pay for being an actor.”