Which Young WWE Superstar Can Be The Next Roman Reigns for a New Generation?

Roman Reigns is the guy in WWE today; this generation’s answer to Hulk Hogan, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and John Cena.

He has competed in the most WrestleMania main events (nine), held the top prize in the industry longer than any champion in the modern era and is at the center of a four-year story arc that ranks among the greatest and most engaging in company history.

Searching for the star who could step up and assume the role of the man who has carried WWE on his back for the last decade may seem daunting given the enormity of The Tribal Chief’s accomplishments, but there is one star showing flashes of being the guy to do it.

He already has the support of WWE Creative, as evidenced by his explosive main roster run to this point, and fans have been more than receptive to his path of rage.

Add to it a freakish, raw athleticism and you have a Superstar more advanced at this early stage than any of the previously mentioned icons of the industry were at comparable times.

His name is Bron Breakker and he is WWE’s next face.

A Hall of Fame Pedigree

Breakker is the son of Rick and nephew of Scott—The Steiner Brothers.

Two legendary badasses whose legitimacy extended beyond the squared circle and onto the mats of the University of Michigan, they dominated tag team action for the better part of a decade before embarking on singles careers that saw them achieve championship success.

Rick thrived as an upper-midcard competitor who occasionally flirted with the main event scene, while Scott captured the WCW world title in the company’s final year.

Both were respected for the quality of their work and feared for both a hair-trigger temper and the ability to beat the life out of people if necessary. They were tough, explosive performers who could take the intensity of any match from zero to 60 in the blink of an eye.

Thus far, Breakker has followed right in their footsteps.

Few can change the mood of any given match with the flip of a switch, but Breakker can.

The 26-year-old possesses the same freakish athleticism that his father and uncle did, but on an entirely different level. He is lightning-quick with unmitigated power and a ferocity that is unmatched by his peers.

He does not need a tag team partner to wreak havoc because he is capable of doing it all by himself. We have seen it thus far on the main roster, where he has obliterated opposition such as Ricochet and Ilja Dragunov while laying waste to a former world champion such as Sheamus and sprinting around the squared circle to wipe out Ludwig Kaiser.

Though he is being booked as a heel currently, the fans appreciate the explosiveness of his work and the utter badassery of his presentation. He is a world-beater, an ass-kicker and someone they can get behind as an unstoppable force.

Not unlike his predecessors.

Like Reigns, Breakker received an opportunity because of who his family is, but he has developed his reputation and connection with the audience, proving that who he is extends far beyond who his family is.

A Blindingly Bright Future

Breakker had considerable success in NXT, winning the gold brand’s world title early on and establishing himself as the face of the show. He lived up to lofty expectations, growing and evolving as a performer in front of the camera with every passing week.

The former Baltimore Ravens fullback made a near-seamless transition to the main roster, instantly becoming a featured attraction and has left fans in awe over the speed with which he attacks the ropes, the fury with which he punishes his opponents, and the growth he has shown on the microphone.

So effective has his creative been that he could be booked against a top-tier opponent tomorrow and be believable enough to sell tickets and drive in premium live event views.

It’s a testament to the way Triple H and his creative team have presented Breakker, but also to the performer himself. He easily could have shrunk under the spotlight but he has thrived, standing out on every show on which he has appeared.

The more he has the opportunity to work with industry veterans such as Ricochet, Sheamus, Dragunov and those even further up the card, the more he will continue to grow and evolve.

Breakker has not yet been force-fed to the fans, meaning they are more willing to accept his rise up the card in a way they never did with Reigns during his initial mega-push.

Much of that can be attributed to the man booking him, as Triple H has shown greater patience and less desire to overpush and risk backlash from the audience.

Breakker will have the opportunity to build up equity with the WWE Universe, further establish himself in the ring and from a personality perspective, and thrive as a result. He will have every opportunity to succeed.

The pedigree, the raw athleticism, the explosivity and the support he has from those in key positions behind the scenes create a recipe for success. His push all but guarantees it.

As long as the audience stays receptive, Breakker will ascend to the top of the industry and assume the position of “face of WWE” within the next five years, picking up the ball previously carried by the top stars in the industry; most recently, The Tribal Chief.