Little Known Facts About Cats

1. Cats purr when they are asleep or drowsy, at a rate of 26 times per second, which is equivalent to the power of an idling diesel engine.

2. Cats have a heart rate of 140 beats per minute, which is twice as fast as a human’s.

3. An adult cat has 290 bones.

4. Are cats warmer than humans? According to a study, the normal body temperature of a cat is 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Kittens sleep a lot because a growth hormone is produced when they sleep.

6. Kittens start dreaming when they are 1 week old.

7. Adult cats sleep all day because they like it, not because they need to produce more hormones.????

8. Scientist Nikola Tesla’s cat gave him the idea of ​​static electricity in a laboratory accident.????

9. They can hear the ultrasonic sound frequencies of dolphins.

10. Their front paws have 5 toes, while their hind paws only have 4 toes.

11. Cats can make over 100 different sounds.

12. Cats can give birth to 3 to 7 kittens within 4 months if left alone. This is why people often castrate male cats.

13. You can increase the lifespan of cats by 2 or 3 years by neutering them ==> Sterilization is very beneficial!!!

14. If we take good care of a cat, we can extend its lifespan to 20 years or more.

15. Cats can learn to communicate with humans ==> They understand everything we say!

16. The more you talk to them, the more they communicate back.

17. They cannot taste sweetness, so don’t think they like candy because they like sweets.

18. Cats can live without drinking water, their bodies hardly sweat much and can live only on meat.

19. Cats can drink seawater, their kidneys are capable of filtering salt out of water.

20. Cats can find the exact way home thanks to magnetic cells in their brains, which work like a compass.

21. Each cat has its own nose print, just like a human’s fingerprint.

22. They cannot see things under their nose.

23. The tuft of hair in a cat’s ear serves as insulation and noise filtering.

24. Siamese cats raised in a warm room will not be black.

25. Domestic cats can run at a maximum speed of nearly 50km/h.

26. The small hole in the door for cats to pass through was invented by scientist Isaac Newton. ==> Also a cat fanatic! Hehe! ????27. Cats have a very poor sense of smell, so their ears and eyes are their two main senses. Their hearing is twice as sensitive as humans and their vision is 6 times better.

28. Surely an interesting fact about this cat breed that you will not know is that cat saliva also cleans fur.

29. The maximum speed of a domestic cat is nearly 50km/h.

30. One of the interesting facts about cats that you should not ignore is that they spend about half of their lives just cleaning their bodies. This is shown every time they lick their fur, which they can do from 4 weeks old.

31. Cats sweat through the soles of their feet. Because their bodies are covered with thick fur, there are very few sweat glands, most of which are concentrated mainly on the cat’s feet. If you pay attention, you can see wet footprints on the floor in the summer, which is the cat sweating.

32. Cats have the ability to sense vibrations very well, so they can detect earthquakes up to 15 minutes before humans. ????33. The most popular cat breed in the world today is the Persian cat, followed by the Maine Coon and the Siamese cat ==> Vietnamese cats (Vietnam) are rare in the world!!!! Let’s adopt a Vietnamese cat! ????34. Female cats are usually right-footed while male cats are left-footed. Female cats usually use their right paw to scratch, while male cats usually use their left paw.

35. On average, cats spend 2/3 of their lives sleeping.

36. Men who own cats are often happier in love ==> Let’s raise cats to be happy!!! ????37. Owning a cat can reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack by 1/3. ==> Raising cats for better health! ????????38. Cats are often lactose intolerant, but many people still give them milk. ==> Do not give cats milk containing lactose, it will cause diarrhea.

39. Cats have more than 20 muscles in their ears, so they can move flexibly.

40. Cats can move their ears 180 degrees.

41. A cat named Dusty holds the record for giving birth to the largest number of cats. She gave birth to 420 kittens in her lifetime.