Jacob Fatu prevents Roman Reigns from winning back; Only Sikoa remains as Tribal Chief

“Orlando… ACKNOWLEDGE ME,” says Solo Sikoa , who is joined in the center of the ring by Tama Tonga. If people don’t want to acknowledge Sikoa, he knows a man who needs to. “Roman Reigns, you call yourself Tribal Chief, OTC or whatever that means. If you want this Ula Fala, then get your ass in here and try to take it from me ,” Solo says.

ROMAN REIGNS APPEARS! Reigns easily makes his way into the ring to confront Sikoa. Solo takes off the Ula Fala to hand it to Tama Tonga and asks him to leave the ring. Sikoa smiles before launching into the attack! The dispute over the Ula Fala maintains its tradition of pitting the two contenders to carry the object against each other, although only for a few moments, as Tama Tonga launches into the attack when Roman throws Solo out of the ring .

Roman has no trouble kicking Tonga out of the ring. Reigns clears the commentary table to claim another victim of The Bloodline, but Sikoa recovers to continue attacking. Solo re-enters the ring… Roman Reigns avoids a Samoan Spike and connects with a Spear on Sikoa! Second Spear from Roman on Solo! Reigns again has the opportunity to take the Ula Fala in his hands AND PUTS IT BACK ON HIS NECK. ROMAN REIGNS RECOVERS THE ULA FALA!! BUT JACOB FATU APPEARS!!

JACOB FATU ATTACKS ROMAN REIGNS!! Fatu sends Reigns into the corner and then punishes him with a «Hip Attack». The Ula Fala falls to the canvas again. Fatu is here despite having his ankle protected and sends Reigns out of the ring, following Solo’s indication. «TRIPLE POWERBOMB» BY SIKOA, TONGA & FATU ON REIGNS AGAINST THE COMMENTARY TABLE!! Tonga recovers the Ula Fala back in the ring and places it on Sikoa’s neck. Only Sikoa, Tama Tonga & Jacob Fatu end up standing, with Roman Reigns at their feet.