Jono Lancaster was given up for adoption because of his birth defect and now he’s a professional model, a teacher, and an inspiration to millions

Can you tell me something inspiring?

Not my story, but this story is so inspiring.

The story of Jono Lancaster by Hashir Rayan

Jono Lancaster was given up for adoption when he was just 36 hours old due to a birth defect, and now he’s a professional model, a teacher, and a source of inspiration to millions!

You adore your children, regardless of their physical or mental state.

He suffers from a severe case of fragile X syndrome.

He grew up to be a wonderful person. This man, as well as young student and many others, is a true inspiration.

All of them should be treasured!!


Not my story, but this story is so inspiring.

When I saw this picture I felt sad that some people are so vain that they would give up their own child just because their looks don’t meet their idea of beautiful.

I am so lucky to have children.’

My children are my greatest treasures, and I just don’t understand how some other parents don’t feel the same .

On the other hand if I’m not mistaken, that birth defect needs many surgeries at an early age to not cause him pain, so perhaps the family couldn’t afford the surgeries?

I could be wrong, but that’s why a lot of people give up their children for adoption…

He’s really hunky!

Hope he has an amazing career!

I bet his birth parents regretted that in the end.

BONUS TIP: If you’ve ever been curious about who you truly are, then this is something that you NEED to see…

To me, it felt a little bit surreal – almost too accurate to be true, even.

But as I delved deeper into my archetype, I just couldn’t help but think how

true everything was.

In just a matter of minutes, my heart was captivated.