Beyoncé’s Storage Units Raided Twice, Resulting in $1 Million Loss of Designer Handbags and Dresses.

Beyonce‘s storage unit has reportedly been targeted by thieves who stole $1million (£725,110) worth of valuables including designer handbags and dresses.

The 39-year-old singer is believed to be linked to three storage units hit in the Los Angeles area in recent weeks, according to TMZ .

The units, which are believed to be rented out by her production company Parkwood Entertainment, were hit twice by thieves earlier this month.

Oh no! Beyonce’s storage unit has reportedly been targeted by thieves who stole $1million worth of valuables including designer handbags and dresses

The online publication reported that the items swiped during the first heist all belonged to Beyonce.

They are believed to have stolen handbags, kids toys and photos which were the belongings to one of Beyonce’s stylists.

MailOnline have contacted representatives for comment.

The 39-year-old singer is believed to have be the owner of three storage units hit in the Los Angeles area in recent weeks, according to Tmz

Beyonce isn’t the only singer to have her units targeted as it was reported earlier this year that Miley Cyrus suffered another burglary.

Miley reportedly suffered another break in at her storage unit in Los Angeles and had sentimental items including family photos stolen.

It was the second burglary the singer, 28, had suffered after thieves stole $10,000 worth of guitars from a different locker in December 2018.

It was reported by TMZ that clothes, photos and other mementos have been taken from the facility, where other units were also targeted.

Bad news: Miley reportedly suffered another break in at her storage unit in Los Angeles and had sentimental items including family photos stolen.

The publication has stated that some of Miley’s items have already been recovered but the break in is still being investigated by police. 

The unit that was previously hit by thieves was in San Fernando Valley, but Miley didn’t initially believe she had been robbed.

While it’s unclear how they broke into the space, the theft nearly went unnoticed as Miley thought a family member had borrowed the valuable instruments – only to later learn it was a break-in.

Sources said at the time: ‘The storage unit caper most likely went down sometime in October.’ MailOnline have contacted Miley Cyrus’ rep for comment.

Guitar girl: This was the second burglary the singer, 28, had suffered after thieves stole $10,000 worth of guitars from a different locker in December 2018

Oh no! It has been reported by TMZ that clothes, photos and other mementos have been taken from the facility, where other units were also targeted