Parrot who has made friends with its owner’s Alexa keeps accidentally ordering things on Amazon… from fruit and veg to a kite

He’s always ready to swoop for a bargain – and swears by early bird offers.

Rocco the parrot, who was rehomed from a sanctuary after cursing too much, has been accidentally placing orders on Amazon by chatting to voice-activated personal assistant Alexa.

So far, the African Grey has ‘bought’ a range of fruit and veg – including water melons, raisins and broccoli – ice cream, a light bulb and even a kite.

Alexa talks back to the parrot and plays music, with songs by American rockers Kings of Leon the bird’s favourite

Rocco was rehomed from the National Animal Welfare Trust sanctuary in Berkshire because staff feared his use of swear words would upset visitors.

Rocco the parrot (pictured with sanctuary worker Marion Wischnewski volunteered to foster him) has been placing orders using on Amazon using a personal assistant

The African Grey – a breed renowned for its ability to copy words – added shopping to a virtual supermarket list by speaking to the device.

Rocco the parrot (pictured) has been placing orders using on Amazon using a personal assistant

Rocco was rehomed from the National Animal Welfare Trust sanctuary in Berkshire because staff feared his use of swear words would upset visitors.

Sanctuary worker Marion Wischnewski volunteered to foster him and took him to her home in Blewbury, Oxfordshire.

But he has since been using her Amazon Echo to order all the things he likes to eat.

The African Grey – a breed renowned for its ability to copy words – added shopping to a virtual supermarket list by speaking to the device.

Miss Wischnewski said: ‘I have to check the shopping list when I come in from work and cancel all the items he’s ordered.’

Alexa talks back to the parrot and plays music, with songs by American rockers Kings of Leon the bird’s favourite.

Miss Wischnewski said of Alexa and Rocco’s relationship: ‘They chat away to each other all day. Often I come in and there’s music playing.’

So far, the African Grey has ‘bought’ a range of fruit and veg using an Alexa (pictured) – including water melons