Titanic 2 Trailer 2 (2024) Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio

After over thirty years together, Rose and Jack have got to be the most well-liked on-screen pair. Because I adore this movie as well, I prepared a teaser for Titanic 2. Despite the slim chance of a Titanic 2 film, I continue to create trailers because my audience appears to love them. The storyline remains the same: Jack and Rose discover that there is a Titanic 2 and that they have been invited to visit. They were ready this time and had picked up survival skills in case it happened again. I play the trailer, which suggests that Jack survived the Titanic by showing him resting on the shore.To keep the trailer series interesting, I started the trailer for the first time from Jack’s point of view.Making this sequence into Jack having nightmares about his time on the Titanic was the enjoyable part.

Act 2 we see Rose talking to a woman. She mentions that Jack could have fit on that door. Perfect chance for another flashback showing when they were on the door. Then the woman ask if Rose is seeing anyone after mentioning that Rose should start living again, moving on from Jack. In which Rose says she isn’t perfect to show Rose loyalty for Jack. Then Rose learn the news about Jack from the television shown by the officer. Her reaction is funny how apparently its been awhile since everyone knew except her. Best line I made Jack say “Maybe that’s the reason why we are still alive Rose, to help them”. Then end with Jack proposing to Rose for the perfect ending. The music from Joker was perfect because it captures the theme of the film which is Romantic tr4gedy dr4ma.