Sami Zayn has a big win over Ludwig Kaiser, but Gunther continues to deny him a title opportunity

Sami Zayn vs Ludwig Kaiser

The referee takes over to start the action. The German does his thing to take advantage at ringside, but it’s too early in the fight to declare victory. Sami Zayn takes his opponent out of the ring to attack him with a brutal “Chop”, but he can’t continue the offensive because when he tries to push off the barricade, Ludwig Kaiser brutally knocks him to the ground. This allows Kaiser to return to the ring with control, but Zayn reacts on top of the corner to punish him with a “Sunset Flip Bomb”; he counts to two.

Ludwig tries to regain his advantage, but is punished against the corner with an “Exploder Suplex”. The Canadian cannot continue his attack because Kaiser rolls out of the ring; Zayn goes after his opponent, but is sent against the commentary table. Ludwig takes momentum from the entrance ramp to attack Sami with a “Drop Kick” against the steel steps. Sami Zayn is in trouble on WWE RAW ( September 23, 2024 ), he can barely get to his feet, but manages to return to the ring with the referee’s count at nine.

Kaiser furiously beats his opponent, asking him to stay down. Zayn finds a way to react, but the German manages to gouge him in the eyes and then makes a cover while he is leaning on the ropes; the referee notices the situation and interrupts his count. Kaiser wastes some time arguing with the referee, and even so, he reacts after receiving an «Exploder Suplex» to intercept Zayn halfway with an «Enzuigiri» ; the cover does not progress despite the good counterattack of the German. Sami Zayn reacts with a «German Suplex» on Ludwig Kaiser and finally finishes him off after applying a «Helluva Kick». Victory goes to Sami Zayn!

After the match, Gunther appears ready to fight, or so it seems. For weeks, Sami has been begging for a World Heavyweight Title shot and the Austrian has seen too much. “If you want that opportunity more than anything, Ontario is the perfect city to say NO to ,” Gunther says. “The Ring General” once again ducks a match against Sami Zayn.