Spider-Man Noir (Peter Parker), often simply referred to as Noir, is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Part of the Marvel Noir universe (Earth-90214), this alternate version of Spider-Man is a noir-themed take on the character and emerges in a version of New York during the Great Depression. While investigating a smuggling ring, Peter Parker is bitten by what seems to be a highly venomous spider housed inside a spider-god idol. Falling unconscious, Parker has a vision of the spider-god promising him power. He then awakes inside a cocoon and emerges from it, now possessing super-human abilities similar to a spider. As the feared vigilante “the Spider-Man,” Parker wages a one-man war against the criminal underworld in New York City, partly to avenge the deaths of his uncle Ben Parker at the hands of the cannibal Adrian Toomes and his mentor Ben Urich at the hands of the city’s major crime lord, Norman Osborn. After Osborn’s defeat, Spider-Man Noir continues his vigilante life for years and opposes the forces of Nazi Germany even before the United States enters World War II. In contrast to the Peter Parker of mainstream Marvel continuity, Spider-Man Noir initially uses brutal and lethal force against his enemies and later struggles with the moral implications of this.
Since his conception, Spider-Man Noir has appeared in numerous media adaptations. The character’s first appearance in other media was in the 2010 video game Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions where he was voiced by Christopher Daniel Barnes. In the animated series Ultimate Spider-Man, he was voiced by actor Milo Ventimiglia. Nicolas Cage voiced the character in the animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), and he made a brief non-speaking appearance at the end of that film’s sequel, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023). Aspects of the Spider-Verse character were later incorporated into the comic book version of the character. Cage will also portray the character in the live-action television series Noir, part of Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (SSU).