After nearly three decades of speculation, the 28 Days Later franchise is officially coming back to life with 28 Years Later, the long-awaited third installment in the acclaimed horror series. Cillian Murphy will reprise his iconic role as Jim, alongside franchise newcomer Aaron Taylor-Johnson, in a story that promises to be as terrifying and emotionally charged as its predecessors.
Directed by Danny Boyle, who helmed the groundbreaking original in 2002, 28 Years Later will explore a world even more ravaged by the rage virus and delve deeper into the human condition amid the collapse of civilization. 28 Years Later will pick up nearly three decades after the events of 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later. The world, now completely overrun by the rage-infected, has plunged into an even darker age.
Governments have fallen, and small, scattered groups of survivors struggle to stay alive in isolated pockets. The rage virus, once thought to be contained, has evolved into something more dangerous and unpredictable. Cillian Murphy’s Jim, who narrowly survived the events of the first film, has been living off the grid, trying to distance himself from the horrors of the past.
Now much older, more hardened, and carrying the weight of years of loss, Jim is forced to face the nightmare once again when a new, terrifying threat emerges. Aaron Taylor-Johnson joins the cast as Sam, a fearless but troubled young survivor who crosses paths with Jim.