The Spider-Man 4: King in Black (2026) Official Trailer by Marvel Studios is an epic glimpse into the Spider-Man saga. The trailer teases a dark, intense storyline where Peter Parker faces a powerful new villain, Knull, the King in Black, who commands the Symbiotes.
The visuals are packed with high-energy action, showing Spider-Man swinging through New York City as it falls under a terrifying alien invasion led by Knull. We see glimpses of intense battles between Spider-Man and Symbiote-controlled villains, with an appearance of Venom as both an ally and an uncertain force. The trailer hints at a struggle between Peter Parker’s personal life and his role as Spider-Man, with returning characters like MJ and Ned caught in the crossfire. A voiceover from Knull, menacing and chilling, declares his intent to consume the world, setting the stakes higher than ever before.
The trailer builds excitement with fast-paced action scenes, dark cosmic imagery, and a tease of Spider-Man’s potential team-up with other Marvel heroes, possibly the Avengers, to stop Knull’s apocalyptic plans. The tone is darker than previous Spider-Man films, signaling a major shift in the character’s journey as he steps into a world-threatening conflict.