The series and Will Smith’s career were drastically altered when he unexpectedly declined the lead part in The Matrix. Smith received an offer ahead of Keanu Reeves to play Neo in The Matrix. Some of Will Smith’s greatest films, like Men in Black, Independence Day, and Bad Boys, had already been released by that time in his career. His status as a cinematic star was thus already established. Smith would have been an ideal lead in The Matrix films because he had also demonstrated an interest in the science fiction genre.
The story of the first Matrix movie follows Neo, who discovers that humanity is trapped inside the Matrix, a simulated reality that was created by intelligent machines. Lily and Lana Wachowski, the writers and directors of the first Matrix movie, offered the role of Neo to Smith. Smith accepting the role of Neo would have completely changed his career, as the first movie was a huge success and eventually became the start of a franchise. However, Smith was unsure about the Wachowskis’ pitch for The Matrix and decided to turn down the leading role.