Gunther and Randy Orton engage in a legendary battle for the World Heavyweight Championship in Germany

Gunther vs Randy Orton


The crowd doesn’t stop chanting as soon as the bell rings. This makes Randy Orton happy , who applauds the effusiveness of the WWE Universe in Germany. Gunther tries to stay focused, but in the first referee shots, Orton remains standing, showing strength on equal terms against the champion. Randy finds the opportunity to join the crowd’s party, and once everyone manages to get into the fight, the exchange of blows begins. Gunther shows all the power that characterizes him and a “Chop” is enough to make himself felt against Orton.

“The Ring General” goes down for his rival to attack his face against the post, but Randy does not let himself be defeated and violently sends Gunther against the steel steps on a couple of occasions. Orton approaches a section of fans who do not sympathize with his figure, but he is in control and sends Gunther back against the English commentary table up to three times. Not only are the chants heard for “the local team”, but also for Randy. So Orton allows himself to send Gunther back against the commentary table for the fourth time. The closing of WWE Bash In Berlin 2024 is full of energy.

Back in the ring, Randy Orton tries to surprise with an RKO, as he did in the weeks leading up to Germany. Gunther avoids the impact by trying to catch his opponent with a Sleeper, but Orton doesn’t let himself be caught and begins to hurt the Austrian’s right arm. This is a smart attack by the challenger, since the Sleeper gave him most of the victories in the King Of The Ring tournament he won; with his arms diminished, that option is reduced for Gunther. “The Viper” sends his rival to the canvas, and although his neck hurts a little, probably due to a strain, he gets up to continue attacking. Orton enjoys the attack, partly to provoke the fans who continue to chant for Gunther.

The champion shows signs of life and hits his opponent on several occasions. Gunther tried to finish off the offensive with a «Lariat», but Randy stops him short by hitting the injured right arm; it is Orton who knocks Gunther down with a powerful «Clothesline». Randy remains in control and knocks down the Austrian with a «Powerslam». It seems that Randy is going to stay on the canvas, but he manages to get up. Gunther avoids being caught in the apron and punishes Randy’s neck against the top rope, right where he was showing pain a few moments ago. The actions go to the top of the corner… «Superplex» by Orton on Gunther! Both hurt each other. Randy’s neck hurts again, while Gunther tries to regain mobility in his right arm. More than physical fighting in the Uber Arena.

They exchange blows once the two are on their feet. Randy takes advantage by attacking his rival with a poke in the eyes. Orton takes advantage of Gunther going to the apron to attack him with an «Elevated DDT». Randy asks for the support of the public to finish the fight. Gunther reacts to knock Orton down with a «German Superx» and thus avoid an «RKO» that was being announced. The Austrian is being demanded like never before. «Drop Kick» by Gunther followed by a «Splash» on Orton; the count remains at two! «This Is Awesome, This Is Awesome!» Orton is saved from being punished with a «Powerbomb» because Gunther is feeling pain in his right arm. Gunther uses his left to attack with a «Lariat».

Despite the pain, Gunther manages to connect the «Powerbomb» he was looking for, but Orton does not give up. Gunther was looking to repeat the move, but RANDY ORTON SURPRISES HIM WITH AN «RKO»; TWO COUNT. The challenger leaves the ring to clear the commentary table of the German broadcast. Randy brings the bottom of the steel steps closer to the table, although he loses time due to fatigue. Gunther goes for his rival, but is victim of an attack on the back against the steel. Brutal impact. Both are exhausted.

The referee continues his count as Gunther interrupts and Randy Orton completely rebuilds the steel steps near the table. Orton gets a second wind and breaks the referee’s count. Randy attacks Gunther against the steel steps repeatedly. ORTON CLIMBS THE STAIRS AND SENDS GUNTHER HIS BACK INTO THE COMMENTARY TABLE TO BREAK IT! BRUTALLY!! Randy Orton poses at the top of the steel steps.

The challenger returns to the ring and shows himself ready to finish the fight. Gunther avoids an RKO and Orton’s back hits the canvas hard! The champion catches Randy with a Sleeper; Orton stands up to avoid having a disadvantage on the canvas and sends his rival into the corner. Gunther refuses to release the lock, and now he tries to stay on the canvas. Randy gets back up and tries to escape. Orton escapes! Gunther’s Chop to the back of Orton’s neck! Randy got rid of the lock for a few seconds in an incredible way. Gunther elbows Orton’s humanity and closes a Sleeper again.

Orton carries his opponent despite being trapped and throws himself backwards onto the canvas. Randy seemed to have escaped, but Gunther brings him back home. More elbows to Orton’s humanity. GUNTHER FINALLY MANAGES TO GET HIS “SLEEPER” AGAINST ORTON ON THE CANVAS!! ORTON TRIES TO SURVIVE BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT; THERE IS NO DOUBT OF VICTORY!! GUNTHER RETAINS THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP AGAINST RANDY ORTON IN A SUBLIME FIGHT!!